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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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in defense of damascus moscow plane syria's increasing international isolation on western plans for regime change. syria's hour of neighbors turned their backs on president assad as the united states and its allies call for tougher action to bring about the downfall of the syrian leader. turning up the heat tough talks between the u.s. and china over trading currency issues as the apec summit comes to a close in a why. u.s. police put the pressure on anti corporate occupy protesters tearing down tents and arresting activists as a crackdown on a two month long movement escalates across the country how top stories this hour.
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international news and comment live from moscow this is our team with you twenty four hours a day the u.s. and its allies are more interested in regime change in syria than a peaceful solution to the unrest that's according to the kremlin russia's foreign minister says western countries are trying to stir up syria's opposition to topple president bashar assad. has the details. so if you love rover said in a statement expressing russia's dismay at the decision to suspend syria from the arab league he said that's with russia's help and advice president assad has been implementing the reforms that were put forward by the arab league in a meeting on the second of november peace deal a deal to try to broker peace in the syrian conflict. said he left office said the decision to suspend syria from the arab league is counterproductive to
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a peace deal saying that the decision really sends a message to the syrian opposition to continue fighting against president assad and the pro government forces in syria not getting them to the table to discuss a peaceful resolution to this now russia has tried to mediate in the past and is off it serves his members representatives from both the syrian leadership and the syrian opposition have been here in moscow for talks and in fact in the next couple of days a senior syrian opposition member will be here in the russian capital for further talks to try to bring about that peaceful solution on wednesday we're expecting to see that rubber stamp on the decision to suspend syria from the arab league the last nation to be suspended from the arab league libya and of course stuff resulted in the outside military intervention something that russia again was opposed to
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military intervention that went far beyond the parameters that were laid out in u.n. resolutions when it came to the chances of imposing a u.n. resolution on syria russia blocking that session from going through we're also seeing the reaction from the syrian people tens of thousands out on the streets of damascus across syria protesting against this decision to suspend syria from the arab league they want to find a peaceful solution to put an end to this conflict it's going on for eight months now with an estimated three thousand five hundred people being killed during it. all of the reporting to this is r.t. live here in moscow still ahead this hour a divided europe. it's not in the best interest of the germans to keep on going with this i think you know you have behaved badly we're going to punish that's not a union. as new governments take over in italy and greece some question whether they'll have the interests of ordinary people but hard. a number
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of breakthroughs have been made at this year's apec summit in hawaii with twenty one member nations present including australia canada and japan all the countries pledged to work towards a pacific free trade zone something the u.s. had pushed for president maybe it is going to measure on the sidelines of the summit to talk about moscow's accession to the world trade organization next year it also discussed the cancellation of a cold war provision in u.s. law known as the jackson ban a commitment that restricts trade relations with russia at the same time the u.s. has turned up the heat on its biggest economic rival china as a correspondent and stars of chicken were discovered the smiles and handshakes for the cameras didn't tell the full story. there is a tradition that summit leaders get together and where national costumes for a photo opportunity it's really a fun time for a leader support each other on the back and joke around but this year journalists are surprised to see that this is all a photo op in hawaiian shirts never happened and we were hearing that this is
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because china was refusing to put on the hawaiian shirt so it really looks like the united states had a hard time during these last two days at apac in honolulu convincing china not only when it comes to economic issues but really issues of the wardrobe as well and this is something that many analysts are not surprised to see because the u.s. currently doesn't have a lot of leverage when it comes to dealing with china as china of course is the largest foreign creditor for the united states holding over one trillion dollars in u.s. debt. the u.s. has long complained that china keeps its currency artificially weak to give an advantage to its exporters but china says that the one has to rise gradually to avoid harming its economy correspondent some of boyko explains the differences that have piled up between washington and regime if there is any us state where the occupy movement has little chance it's probably why despite the high concentration of politicians in wall street big week socializing at the apec summit the only
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place people are willing to occupy here on their ass at the beach is this one exception these protesters are against greed and social injustice they're against economic inequality and they're against china. was who incidentally the mood at the podium was similarly hostile i think we can benefit from frayed with china and i want certainly to continue our cultivating a. constructive relationship with the trainees government. but we're going to continue to be firm in insisting that they operate by the same rules that. everybody else rules the rules and again rules as a country that's been ruling the roost for decades the united states has never been shy of policing others by just china's g.d.p. continues adding nine percent a year against the key and
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a half percent growth in the u.s. the reprimand seems to be in china we driven conformities one of the top value thing to china to be able to roll also reflected in the country's political and economic policy so it's not that china doesn't play by the rules of factually quite the opposite but do you not if it seems to have an issue with is that increasingly china rule that the privilege washington would prefer to keep it. as the u.s. president hailed his new free trade asia pacific pact as a win win to boost trade in the region some in china took it as a predatory effort to change rules. free trade turn to be. in the eyes of the beholder. it's free for you but protection provided that i get the. precious. industries that. will. so it's always. free as the euro crisis continues metastasizing
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throughout the world and china is asked to shoulder the load many analysts say the us should keep in place about he who pays the piper china is really in the driver's seat in many respects and this is coming at an awkward time for the united states because the united states is clearly a declining power at the same time and is having trouble adjusting to what that means many chinese proverbs are difficult to translate into english those are both money usually have exact equivalent one of them is money makes the world go round a concept experientially. milliards to washington and progressively so to beijing kind of like our through the apec summit in honolulu. us police are losing patience with the anti corporate occupy movement two months after it flared up and spread across america officers in riot gear ready to protest a camp in the city of oakland dismantling tents and arresting activists what is
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loosely coming of has the latest. crackdown after crackdown it seems like a crackdown certainly increasing beginning with right here in oakland soon as we got there officers again fully dressed in riot gear moving in on the protesters but interestingly enough there wasn't the same type of clashes that we've sort of grown accustomed to in seeing in oakland today it all went down rather smoothly and peacefully just by a lot of nervous tension in fact protesters gave my camera and i these mass that are soaked and been are it's quite a quite a stench to protect against tear gas none of that was used but those occupations they do seem like they'll continue not here in oakland for now that was a was raided the tents were removed the protesters were just purchased but i guess the most important thing to watch here in oakland is what happens in the aftermath because of course we saw just a few weeks ago that those tremendous photographs that made it will look almost like a war zone somewhere abroad where police are using tear gas flash bang grenades all kinds of non-lethal projectile weapons and injuring the iraq war veteran scott
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olsen and so we will be watching to see whether there's going to be a repeat of that kind of violence in the aftermath of the raid where it really counts is a if you ask the protesters just to stop this sort of i'm checks corporate greed the sun checks controlled by a wall street over washington and that of course has not been stopped whatsoever but there are still some developments that sort of make it seem like this movement is spreading is happening since we're going to impact for example in the mainstream media discourse you hear a lot more discussion about income inequality social injustice this sort of financial distinction between the top one percent income earners in this country and the rest of the people that don't seem to be making quite as much and it does seem like perhaps in the coming months hala titian's can no longer ignore this movement perhaps we'll see sort of like what happens with the tea party or politicians will be forced to take on some of these ideas and talk about sort of moving away from this wealth inequality that really is so significant. this country
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and so surprisingly so because again when you think of the united states you don't really think there are third world images and unfortunately in some of these cities and towns that's exactly where it's developed into where people can't afford their schools they can't afford their homes they can't afford to find a place to live that is what a lot of those people have told us in our travels covering this going. to see coming off a little earlier. says sanctions against iran have outlived their usefulness and insists it won't support any additional measures against the islamic state a statement from russia's foreign minister follows the diplomatic fallout in the international community over a un report it suggested that could be developing a nuclear weapon well let's get some more analysis from all of these a policy director at the national iranian american council joining us there in washington and tehran is of course brushing these allegations aside claiming that based on fabricated information does it look that way to you.
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well it's actually pretty unclear as to what the date is for some of these some of these findings that presented the most conclusive evidence of findings before two thousand and three which is where the united states actually believes that he ended its. nuclear weapon program that i report does allude to activities that may have continued beyond that point these are you know research activities. there is some limited information in there about activity that it can to shore limited information is that not because tehran hasn't been that co-operative. it hasn't been able to gain full access so it's really not too sure because all of that lack of cooperation from iran. certainly has not been as cooperative as they need to be and that's actually that's the game here that's what we need to be working on in terms of you know those who want to see that iran is not at some
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point the future of developing nuclear weapons capability we need to be working through diplomacy to make sure that iran is cooperative with i say that they do have safeguards and transparency measures in place to ensure that that doesn't happen someday down the road in terms of the report there is limited information a lot of the reason it's limited is because it's most likely that iran does not know it is you know it is the case of iran does not have a nuclear weapons program right they are most likely pursuing a nuclear latency that means that they are doing this research there are enriching uranium but they haven't made the decision to actually pursue a nuclear weapon does iran have the right to pursue a nuclear weapon. iran does not have the right to pursue a nuclear weapon there are a signatory of the nonproliferation treaty and what that means is that they can have a civilian nuclear program they can you know do research and develop nuclear energy they can't have a nuclear weapon. the u.s.
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is now considering a new set of sanctions against iran but that makes a political point what sort of impact does that have ordinary iranian people. well gosh the nations that have already been in place against iran have been pretty devastating to ordinary people in iran is you know helped drive up the cost of a lot of goods and sort of in combination with the mismanagement of the economy by the iranian government has done a lot of damage domestically and what we've seen is that actually it's really squeezing the middle class more than anything. with the new sanctions that are being talked about it's actually we're at a point where we've run out of things to sanction and we're actually looking at things that are going to sanction ourselves there's talk of sanctioning iran central bank which would effectively take iranian oil off the market and you know it could put the world into economic tailspin you know you're talking two point
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three million barrels of barrels of oil no longer available so what the u.s. is finding is that there's not a big appetite for a measure like that that could push europe off the edge that could raise gas prices here in the united states so a lot of us are sort of scratching our heads what are the new sanctions that are being talked about and why are these options that are harmful to the u.s. harmful to the u.s. allies and also harmful to ordinary people in iran and have not really had an impact on the regime at all because they're able to circumvent these measures why are these being discuss. the last option then isn't that help from minutes from change. well look yes there's you know there's really there's two paths here either you do the military thing which has been presented as ok you call one off strikes and then you know it's over but in reality and what the u.s. defense secretary recently said is that the best that would do is said he runs a program backed by two or three years you would see them rapidly escalate the
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program they'd go into you know manhattan project sort of mentality and pursue a nuclear weapon outright and you know in a lot of respects be driven into. the other alternative for the military action is full scale war which nobody can afford right now then the other path that you have is a diplomatic resolution and that's sort of the path that not a lot of people are willing to talk about but if the end goal is to solve this and not do immense damage to the u.s. and the globe there is going to have to be a day in the future when we are at the table with iran and we actually set up an agreement where iran is not able to develop a nuclear weapons capability they have safeguards on their program. and you know we address some of the issues that we have concerns about and we have. a devastating war really interesting to your thoughts thank you for joining us the policy director at the national iranian american council there in washington for me thank you. it's a these new prime minister mario monti has begun work on forming
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a new technocrat government to tackle the country's towering debt an economist and former e.u. commissioner he now has to implement structural economic reforms to pull italy out of its financial chaos corresponds takes a look at whether a new man at the top make a difference for the euro zone. it was never going to be easy put it that sought to unite europe seventeen countries of which you know on the one currency attracted fierce criticism we've witnessed the beginning of a dishonest and downright dangerous journey president. to revive the constitution but to do it in such a way that you want to avoid referendums in key member states some might now be wishing they'd heeded the warnings to one after another and then the states begin to work will at least be in the latest country to come under scrutiny we have been would missing in the last. growing pressure from europe and i'm talking in
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particular from france and germany hardly the u.k. certainly the european parliament and the commission it's going to start quite as a safe on senior leaders of crete and italy replaced by people who were never elected to office he knew their way around brussels here in italy with berlusconi now gone doesn't. painful reforms nanny to be implemented to meet tough. for the first time since the crisis began talks have now begun to turn to the possibility of exit from the year or the creation of a cool europe countries like germany seem to be leading the way but i think it's not in the best interest of the germans to keep on going with this i think you know you're right you have behaved badly we're going to punish that's not a union in united states of america if behaved badly imagine taxes behaving badly or you think obama is going to we're going to kick you out of united states
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of america no they're not going to be going sense a bad year. has not gone on missed by struggling countries was this clear that those who overspent must now face a painful story she measures the sense of being treated like a naughty school child any added to the growing strain in. community is. now well so to say there will always much more france and especially germany to the times there are to see two to express a political leader for not just of their own countries but for europe as a whole your attentions have not caught on by the financial markets punish political leaders in their feet in dealing with the crisis in struggling economies like italy and now course even the. mistakes italy being considered by many to test case for the year you say it fails and it could take down the entire fifth the
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question now is whether or not those measures can fix the weather will see them going the same way as previous measures put forward by european leaders. fails to come up with a convincing. there are ready. for more insight into the crisis in europe let's talk to the former deputy speaker of the belgian parliament lord for he's in brussels first up and grow not a scholarly leaving office politicians making way for former bunkers or so-called technocrats is that really what these countries need to get them out of this financial crisis well it all depends how do you define the country i mean there is in a country it is different people different interests if you define a country as the financial elite. that is the solution if you define the country as the general population you should receive disaster. the austerity measures are a recipe for social disaster. yes. yes absolutely you should
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not forget i mean we always hear about there's the one to financial crisis. and then there's the other shoshu problems those are not separate issues one is still trailing each to the other the only way that they going to implement. to attack the show should. protection and welfare everything that's been accomplished over the last fifty years but isn't it the height of i.q. of many people isn't it a hard pill to swallow is the reality this is what they say is needed that the countries need to cut back obviously on the spending control of taxation and it's going to be a tough time for the people and clearly the people of greece don't want it and also we've seen the protests in other various european countries but it is the reality is it not and this is what the politicians are going to have to convince the people to accept well actually i disagree whether that is indeed a reality it is a way of patrolling the reality and we are now going to put in place bankers people
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who caused the financial crisis in the first place and they are going to so-called solve not what is happening here is not really financial reform this is a reform of societies as we know which i'm very i'm very sorry but i have a very gloomy outlook on what these people are going to interesting you say the bankers are appalled because many would say it's the political indecision within the e.u. it's politicians like yourself well i know you think you were a former deputy speaker the bulge in parliament is it not fair to blame the politicians for years it is it's actually true and fair to to partially blame or titian but i. like to say that also there's not a thing as a long thing of politicians. different groups has different political opinions there's the opposition there's the majority i mean you cannot just blame the politicians and our parliamentary democracy and i am i have my experience is far from perfect but it is the one system that is at least partially accountable
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and banks are not parliamentary democracy is not what we're exactly seeing in greece and italy at the moment these leaders weren't appointed and yet they're taking over these governments now are absolutely and this is this is absolutely not good i mean these people do not have to seek reelection that's the ideal people to do a half measures that are so-called. not popular i mean i mean if you want the problem is actually a democracy is functioning and not very well but it is functioning and these people do not like it or people want people who want a more social democracy they want less for the bands they want less for that because they ration and that is something that they don't like and only something that you approve and by so-called financial austerity you're there in brussels what you like to seen are do you think the eurozone should collapse but if greece pulls out and indeed even if it's only because obviously they won't be able to do a greek style bailout in italy like all afford it do you think it is really the realistic arsenal for the euro zone just to disintegrate. no you know i don't think
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so i was never a big fan of the euro in the first place but it is what we have and to to now just does disband it would be even worse for the moment especially in the short term and you you don't i mean if you see how long it took to get here in the first it to organize it could take years and in the meantime the crisis is going to go on they will have to find a solution within the euro zone all the strengthening about collapse in the euro zone their perfect well to new world is not going to happen it's like asking at the united states to say which odds of the states are going to stay in the dollars and that's not going to happen you say part of the solution is that meaning finding the money to sort this out or is it really a political l.h. it all depends it's finding the money where there is money there's a lot of money huge big i'm not a nationalist are making profits as never before i mean in my own country here
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it was on the news today that because he's complained that it became a stacks is to secure the so-called sixteen percent actually where this year they're only eleven percent and that's all over the place in europe because. we blame the so-called official tax rate but the reality is that they are only paid in taxes less it's exactly what the occupy movements all about isn't it as well but there's a very very brief and finally we're going to see more more pressure on other governments throughout europe more political casualties do you think it would work out of the year to create very briefly well i don't i don't i'm not a good fortune teller on these issues it might happen and i hope it won't i mean france is a is in the line and for the moment the presidential system in france you cannot compare to greece or italy but some things might happen i just hope it won't because it is bad enough as it is now i can only hope it doesn't go further than that thanks so much for the time logan is former deputy speaker of the belgian
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parliament there in brussels thank you frank. but good luck with a recap of the day's menu shortly but first it's the business news with protection . it's twenty six minutes past eleven pm here in moscow you're watching the business program italy has no other choice but to exit the euro zone and bring back its national currency even if that meant means the collapse of the euro so says prominent economist nouriel roubini also known as the to do. so it's not a reason to resolve or to go either it's been inside because it has to be for the reason you're only physically or emotionally if it will be it's. wanted more of that we need to address the larger it uses rather than probably don't want more of a total fool writes of the eurozone he said off of the roads in the euro zone that so proudly implies that a brutal the eurozone. and let's not check out the equity markets european debt
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continues to weigh on wall street which is why having its losses the dow when the nasdaq losing just under three quarters of percent this hour. and european indices are close now they were unable to sustain earlier gains that were due to some want to mention about italy it has started rebuilding the government it will see end of the day half percent lower germany's dax closed more than one percent down. here in russia the markets ended monday's session want to posit that the r.t.s. and the bisects were up just a notch. and let's take a look at some of the biggest movers of the day gazprom and other energy blue chips were quite robust during the day but and of the trading session with losses lukoil was also in the red the company on monday reported an eighty percent increase in net profit for the first nine months of the year but investors were disappointed by
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declining production quotas gold continued its last week's losses on lower precious metal prices. russia's economic expansion is excel orating for the first time since last year g.d.p. was up four point eight percent in the third quarter that's compared to around three percent in the previous one now to do just longer consumption helped by rising lending but it's too early to celebrate analysts expect a slowdown toward the end of the year as production declines and external demand shows no signs of recovery. qatar's and talks to buy a stake in the arctic liquefied natural gas project led by russia's gas producer nova tak the all project is expected to produce around five million tons of l n g a year starting in two thousand and sixteen and reach fifteen million tonnes by the year twenty eighteen qatar's energy minister mohammad al sato's says the country is keen on taking part in the project. opposed very much interested in the system.
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generally as it can you can see in the moment it is. an important projects and we are ready to sleep in. the. party to participate in the. project and we are. in. discussions and negotiations. and that's it from the business team for now but you can always find all the latest business news that r t dot com slash business.


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